European Conference on Information Systems 2019 in Stockholm

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In June 2019, ECIS2019 took place in Stockholm and, as every year, it provided a platform for international researchers in business informatics to discuss current research results. ECIS is the most important scientific information systems conference in Europe and is classified in the category “B” according to the ranking VHB-JOURQUAL 3.

The team of the Schöller Endowed Professorship was on site this year to present two papers and in addition Prof. Dr. Sven Laumer, in collaboration with colleagues from the USA and the UK, was responsible for the track “IS Adoption and Diffussion”.

In the article “Chatbot Acceptance in Healthcare: Explaining User Adoption of Conversational Agents for Disease Diagnosis” Prof. Dr. Sven Laumer, Dr. Christian Maier and Fabian Gubler examine the automated dialogues for the diagnosis of diseases. The team of authors conducted interviews with potential users in order to identify factors that have a positive or negative effect on an adoption decision. The work is largely based on the master thesis of Fabian Gubler, who successfully implemented a methodologically and theoretically challenging project in his final thesis.

The article “Subjective Norm and the Privacy Calculus: Explaining Self-Disclosure on Social Networking Sites” by Jakob Wirth, Dr. Christian Maier and Prof. Dr. Sven Laumer focuses on the protection and behaviour of individuals with regard to their privacy. Through an empirical study, the authors demonstrate which impact an individual’s perception that the social environment expects a sharing of private information has on their own behavior.

During the conference, the track “IS Adoption and Diffussion” provided a platform for researchers interested in the acceptance of digital technologies to discuss their current research projects and results. For several years, Prof. Laumer and international colleagues have been offering this track at ECIS. Next year there will once again be the opportunity to submit and discuss research work in this area at ECIS.