Digital work systems and attractiveness of companies for talents

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Today, Wednesday, 22.4.2020, Prof. Dr. Sven Laumer, at the invitation of the IHK, gave a keynote speech to the committee for securing skilled workers. Defying the adversities of the Corona crisis, the committee meeting was moved to the virtual world and Sven Laumer was able to give an impulse from his home office, so that the participants could discuss the importance of digitalisation for the attractiveness of companies. In the course of digitalization and the new possibilities for collaboration processes in companies resulting from it, these processes must also be further developed under employer branding aspects.

A result of the current study “Recruiting Trends 2020” shows this importance: four out of ten Generation Z candidates would refuse a job offer if the company did not offer the opportunity for home office. In his impulse, Prof. Laumer discussed these and other results from the chair’s research work in order to provide the representatives of the Central Franconian companies with impulses for the design of the companies’ employer branding activities, but also for cross-company approaches.