Prof. Dr. Sven Laumer takes over as head of the Bachelor Information Systems and Master International Information Systems programs
At the start of the winter semester, Prof. Laumer, holder of the Schöller Endowed Chair of Information Systems, has taken over as head of the two Information Systems degree programs at the Department of Business, Economics, and Society at the Friedrich-Alexander-University of Erlangen-Nuremberg. WISO offers one of the oldest study programs in Information Systems at a university in Germany. “I am proud that I can take responsibility for a traditional study program”, says Sven Laumer. “Last year, we already worked intensively on a new orientation of the bachelor’s program to link tradition and modernity even more closely, thus enabling a modern course of study in the field of digitization.
In the winter semester, the Bachelor degree program will start with a new study structure. In addition to the proven orientation towards the triangle of people, tasks, and technology, the new Bachelor focuses on the three pillars of data and knowledge, digital processes and business models, as well as IT architectures and software development. The new orientation takes into account the developments that can be summarized under the term “digitalization”. To shape digitization in business and society, students at WISO should be able to build up appropriate competencies and skills in these three areas of specialization so that they can make a sustainable contribution. The further shaping of this orientation in the two business information technology courses at WISO is now the core task of the new course coordinator.
No other location for business information technology combines tradition and a start-up like Nuremberg. Wirtschaftsinformatik was founded in Nuremberg by Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. mult. Peter Mertens. Recently, new chairs of information systems have been established and filled with a young and dynamic colleague, which complement the established offers of the WI1, WI2 and WI3 chairs and thus enable studies in the field of digitalization. The Institute for Information Systems Nuremberg (WIN) is one of the largest institutes in Germany in terms of the number of professors and thus offers a wide range of study and specialization opportunities at Bachelor and Master level. Likewise, the variety of research topics at WIN offers a wide range of doctoral opportunities.
Further information about the study program can be found on the new study program website
Enrollment in the Bachelor Wirtschaftsinformatik for the winter semester 2020/2021 is still possible until October 18, 2020. Questions about the study program will be answered by Prof. Dr. Sven Laumer, Jessica Ochmann (for the Master IIS), and Kian Schmalenbach (for the Bachelor WI).