
Tina Wölfl, born in 1987, married and mom of two children (2008 + 2010), studied part-time B.A. Human Resource Management at the IUBH in distance learning from mid-2015 until the end of 2019. She completed the Business Education Certificate Program A / B (second subject Business Information Systems)...

Category: Allgemein

Sindi studied information systems with a focus on computer science at State University of New York (SUNY) from 2014 to 2018. During her studies, she gained her first practical experience in IT, while working for her bachelor’ thesis on the topic of CRM systems. After finishing her bachelor's stud...

Category: Allgemein

Kateryna supports the study program coordination in improving the web presence and digitizing administrative processes. Kateryna is studying the IIS Master in the 2nd semester. We are looking forward to the cooperation!

Category: Allgemein

Tobi was a DMA tutor for one year, helped intensively in setting up the module and supported the chair with his coordination. We look back on a great collaboration and wish all the best for the future!

Category: Allgemein

For our module Data Management and Analysis we are looking for motivated student assistants (m/f/d) for the upcoming summer semester, who would like to participate in the implementation of the tutorials. We offer, among other things, flexible working arrangements with the possibility of home offi...

Category: Allgemein

What is the significance of public broadcasting in the age of Meta and Netflix? Is public service broadcasting really in competition with private broadcasting? And what role do today's media formats play for public service broadcasting? We explore these questions in this new episode of FAU's Huma...

Category: Allgemein

We are pleased to announce that our interdisciplinary consortium project on "Transforming digitally" has been selected as one of the 5 research projects to be funded by the Bavarian Research Institute for Digital Transformation (bidt). Within the framework of this funding, we will investigate in ...

Category: Allgemein

Since 01.12.2021 Jasmina is part of our Schöller Endowed Chair team. Jasmina is currently studying Master International Information Systems (Masster) in the 5th semester. She will support the chair in the area of outreach, including helping to organize and design external lectures and workshops. ...

Category: Allgemein