E-Recruiting and digital HRM
Besides the design and innovative ability of digital technologies, an essential aspect of management in the digital age is the change in the management of human resources in companies. The shifting of automated and non-automated task carriers and the potentials of digital technologies create new challenges and opportunities for human resources management, which we are investigating within the scope of this project focus.
On the one hand, requirements for the “Digital Workforce” in the form of attitudes, skills, knowledge requirements, motivation and behaviours are developed in order to derive concepts for the training, recruitment and qualification of individuals for the “Digital Workforce”.
On the other hand, we deal with economic and technical requirements, success factors, implementation variants and further implications for individuals, markets and companies of new forms of work.
Together with the research focus “Technostress”, drivers, consequences and strategies of the work-home conflict are developed.
A major focus of our work is the study series “Recruiting Trends” and “Application Practices” in which we investigate current trends and developments in recruitment in Germany within the Centre of Human Resources Information Systems (CHRIS) in cooperation with the Chair of Information Systems, in particular information systems in service areas at the University of Bamberg.
The results of the chair on “E-Recruiting and digital HRM” were published in various articles in scientific journals or presented at conferences. The main contributions include:
- On the Untapped Value of IT in HRM – a Literature Review, in Communications of the Association for Information Systems(CAIS) 38:2,
- The impact of business process management and applicant tracking systems on recruiting process performance: An empirical study, Journal of Business Economics(JBE) (85:4), p.421-453,
- The Transformation of People, Processes, and IT in E-Recruiting: Insights from an Eight-year Case Study of a German Media Corporation, Employee Relations(36:4), p. 415-431,
- A Framework for Recruiting IT Talent: Lessons from Siemens, MIS Quarterly Executive (8:4), p. 123-197
- Analyzing the impact of HRIS implementations on HR personnel’s job satisfaction and turnover intention, in The Journal of Strategic Information Systems(22:3), p. 193-207
- Online Gaming to Find a New Job – Examining Job Seekers’ Intention to Use Serious Games as a Self-Assessment Tool, Zeitschrift für Personalforschung: German Journal of Research in Human Resource Management (26:3), p. 218-240
- Electronic Human Resources Management in an E-Business Environment, in Journal of Electronic Commerce Research (11:4), p. 240-25