PhD Seminar
How do I write a research article? Optimize your submission for ICIS 2021
As part of the PhD seminar, the structure and content of a scientific paper, which is typically published at conferences or in journals, are discussed and analyzed. Participants in the seminar will learn how to write good papers, what aspects they have to consider when writing a paper, and how they can successfully present and publish their own ideas in papers at conferences or in journals.
In a series of editorials, the Academy of Management Journal has addressed different characteristics of good scientific papers. As part of the seminar, these editorials will be presented and discussed, so that a “checklist” with characteristics of good scientific papers will be developed.
In addition, each participant should write and submit their own research work in the form of a paper before the seminar. Other participants read these papers and will discuss them with the authors in roundtable discussions. The roundtable discussions should focus on improving each paper based on the developed checklist.
After the presentation of the editorials and the discussion of the individual papers, a few weeks later a further discussion of the papers will take place. Up to this point, the papers will be revised by the respective authors on the basis of the feedback and the editorials discussed, and the new version of the paper will be discussed in this second round.
The successful participation in the seminar should give the participants feedback for their own research work, which are useful for the further development of their own research projects and publications at conferences or in journals. The timetable of the seminar is chosen so that it should be the aim of each participant to submit the discussed papers at the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) 2021.
The seminar service includes:
- Lecture and handout for an AMJ editorial (possibly group performance based on registration numbers)
- Own research article for the roundtable discussion
- Reading and discussing the articles submitted by the other participants in the roundtable discussions
- Improvement of the research article based on the feedback from the roundtable and editorials as well as renewed presentation at the roundtable
- Registration til Nov., 6th 2020, via Email to Prof. Dr. Sven Laumer
- Kick-Off and Introductions (12.11.2020, 18.30)
- November/December 2020: Presentation of AMJ Editorials, Discussions, Checklist (18.12.2020, 14:00 – 18:00)
- January 2021: 1st Roundtable
- February 2021: 2nd Roundtable
- (if required): March 2021: 3rd Roundtable