Digital Change Management (DCM)
Process and organizational structures, services or products of companies or entire company networks as well as the supporting IT systems are nowadays subject to constant IT-related change (digital transformation) so that companies remain competitive. However, many digital transformation projects in companies fail or do not meet the expectations of the (IT) managers, (IT) employees and customers involved. The implementation of IT-related changes in companies and the acceptance of these changes by the affected employees are therefore still one of the greatest challenges of the IT, project, and top management of a company as well as digitalization in general.
In this context, the concept of change management has become established in science and practice, comprising theories and methods for the successful transformation of organizations. Change management is understood as an approach “to manage the people-side of business change to achieve the required business outcome, and to realize that business change effectively within the social infrastructure of the workplace.” The aim of the module is to provide an organizational and social perspective on digital transformation so that students can analyze, discuss and shape the consequences of introducing new systems and possible problems in their implementation.
Transfer of knowledge (lecture)
The module provides an overview of the digitization and change of work systems, the different types of change in companies, the acceptance of technologies by individuals and companies and methods for shaping IT-related change:
- Digitisation and the change of working environments
- Models of work systems (Work System Theory)
- Change Management Theories
- Phases of change
- Different types of changes
- Theories and models of user acceptance and IT use
- Basic psychological theories
- IT user lifecycles (difference Digital Life, Digital Consumer, Digital Work)
- Adoption and use of digital innovations
- Resistance to digital innovators
- Change Management Methods
Application of knowledge (Teaching-Case)
A separate teaching case is used to analyse and discuss the management of digitisation and the challenges of implementing digital transformation projects. Students participate in the discussion and processing of the teaching case.
Implementation of knowledge (case study)
In a project (case study), students will develop, analyse and present their own case studies of the design of changes in working or living environments by interviewing responsible persons (interviews, surveys).
Learning objectives
Students should be able to analyse, visualise and discuss the consequences of digital transformation as well as possible implementation problems resulting, for example, from resistance on the part of the workforce.
By successfully completing the module, students are able to understand and shape the challenges on the subject and user side in particular.
The documents for the lecture and exercise are in English. The course will be held in English.