Digital Work: Digital Transformation of People and Knowledge (SoSe 2019)
In the summer semester 2019, the Schöller Endowed Chair of Business Information Systems, especially Digitization in Business and Society, is offering a Master’s seminar.
Seminar Topics
Increasing digitization will lead to a lasting change in working environments. Above all, the (further) development of innovative technologies and changes in communication behaviour (e.g. through social media) can lead to new forms of work in the long term and thus have a lasting impact on the everyday working lives of employees and the recruitment of talent. For example, the use of artificial intelligence in corporate knowledge management makes it possible to redesign the internal and external transfer of knowledge. At the same time, approaches to data-driven recruiting and automated dialogue systems mean that recruiting processes can be realigned.
Against the background of these technological developments, numerous opportunities and challenges arise for companies, employees and candidates. Within the framework of the master seminar, current developments in the field of E-HRM and knowledge management will be taken up in order to work out application cases that result from the interaction of man and machine.
The following topics can be dealt with during the seminar, whereby the orientation of the respective topic will be specified more precisely together with the supervisors.
Topic 1: Sharing is caring
Possible research questions:
- How can companies motivate their employees to share their individual knowledge?
- How does knowledge management in companies change through the use of innovative technologies (e.g. AI)?
- How can social media be used for knowledge transfer in companies?
- How can Gamification help to increase knowledge transfer in companies?
Topic 2: Next, please!
Possible research questions:
- What expectations do candidates have regarding potential employers?
- What challenges do candidates face due to the integration of new technologies in the recruiting process?
Topic 3: It’s a match …
Possible research questions:
- Which forms of automated dialogue do candidates accept and why?
- Which forms of data-driven recruitment do candidates accept and why?
- Do culture, gender or other contextual factors have an influence on the individual acceptance of a technology?
Topic 4: Got it!
Possible research questions:
- How does the digitization of recruitment change the decision making of candidates?
- Does data-driven recruitment lead to less discrimination and automated dialogue systems to more inclusion?
- What influence do mobile devices have on the recruitment process and personnel management?
Topic 5: Big boss is watching you
Possible research questions:
- What potential does People Analytics offer companies?
- What role do topics such as data security, data protection or the DSGVO play in the analysis of personnel data?
Organizational Issues
The seminar will be held as a block seminar. The evaluation of the module performance is made up as follows:
- 67 percent on written performance
- 33 percent on oral performance (lecture, oral participation in discussions and moderation)
In order to pass the seminar, both partial performances must be passed with at least sufficient pass mark.
The application for a seminar place can be made until 21.04.2019 via StudOn.
After successfully applying for StuOn, you will be given the opportunity to indicate threetopic preferences, which should be taken into account when assigning topics.
The number of participants is limited to 20.
The following schedule is planned:
- Registration and allocation of places: until 21.04.2019 (23.55 h)
- Introduction of seminars and topic assignment: 26.04.2019, 13:15 – 16:30, AEG 33.1.02
- Presentation training: 8.7.2019, 18:30 – 20:00, AEG 33.1.02
- Submission of seminar papers: 07.07.2019
- Presentations of the seminar papers: 19.7.2019, 15:00 – 20:00, AEG 33.1.02; and 20.7.2019 9:30 – 20:00
Attendance is compulsory for all seminar participants.